Whether you’re a small private college or a large public institution, the phone calls never stop. From financial aid questions to information regarding graduation to media requests, colleges receive numerous requests from various stakeholders.
Support Your Admissions Team
Admissions is a complicated, high-volume area that involves providing personalized responses to students and family members. Questions may vary from basic information about dates and addresses to more complex queries about admissions packages and interviews. A multi-channel contact center staffed by experienced agents familiar with your college’s specific brand pillars can help provide tailored, personalized answers while freeing up your admin and faculty staff to focus on their essential work. Additionally, simple requests can be met with automated responses from a chatbot or touchpad system, reducing your team’s workload while providing instant answers to your callers. Finally, outbound campaigns targeting prospective students can be tailored to ensure that students are being contacted at opportune times – and on the channel they most prefer.
Help Students Find the Info They Need
Students need high volumes of information to get through their days. Directories, locations, key dates, due dates, payments, and research support are some of the areas that an end-to-end contact center can help out with. Empower your students to find the information they need when they need it by providing an omnichannel support center that gives them answers over the phone, text, chat, or even social media.
Expedite Graduate Verification Services
It’s a universal truth that a new grad applying for jobs will require graduation verification. The sheer volume of the calls that this can trigger is enough to terrify any college admin worker. Fortunately, with an end-to-end contact center solution like ACD’s, you can automatically provide dates of attendance and graduation, degrees awarded, majors, and even transcripts where approved by the applicant. This solution can dramatically reduce a registrar’s workload, particularly in those months immediately following graduation when most new graduates apply for work.
Get More from your Fundraising Team
Gifting keeps the lights on – and positions your institution to compete by offering top-notch facilities, programs, extracurriculars, scholarships, and more. A contact center that integrates into your donor databases empowers you to build high-impact campaigns that drive more donations while building trust and loyalty among alums and other stakeholders. Automate your outreach, send updates showing the impact of their giving, and keep in touch during milestone events such as giving anniversaries, class reunions, or even birthdays. ACD’s customizable donor outreach makes life easy for your fundraising team, especially in times of high volume.
We’ll Pick Up when You’re Out of Office
Campuses run 24/7, but there are times when staff aren’t at their desks. For out-of-hours requests or timely support when you’re away from your office, a cloud-based contact center is a powerful solution. Write a rule that redirects vital calls to human operators while letting chatbots and automated menus. Students, faculty, and staff alike will appreciate your commitment to providing the answers they seek.
Elevate Your College Communications with ACD
Whether it’s enrolling that top student, verifying employment data, or hitting your fundraising goals, a cloud-based contact center can transform the quality of support that you provide your campus body. No matter your size – or needs – ACD’s full-service, end-to-end contact center solutions are here to help. To see how our tailored solutions can help you make good on your brand promise, click here!